Circling is a fast growing practice that guides you into a deeper experience of presence and connection.

You’ll likely gain deep personal insights, feel yourself to a deeper level and see habitual ways of being you didn’t realise you were doing.

The practices typically open up new realms of connection – feeling deeply seen, getting a visceral sense of connection and intimacy with others and an idea of how you got there – an authentic contact that feels nourishing.
Perhaps you’ll get a taste of what matters most to you and have some experiences of synchronicity, collective intelligence or even psychedelic like experience.

This weekend will be led by Els Marie Cardinaels.
Circlingeurope Els Marie Cardinaels

For more about Circling and Surrendered leadership check these out:

Why we’re drawn to Circling – Why we’re drawn to Circling

What is Circling? – What Is Circling?

The origins of Circling and Surrendered Leadership – The origins of Circling and Surrendered Leadership

First episode of Circling documentary – Circling Documentary

Register here:

Want to try out Circling and Surrendered Leadership before the Weekend? Check out the Tallinn Intro Workshop on 19th January:
Check Out

When you sign up for the weekend, you are also invited to participate in the intro the day before at no additional cost. Participation in the intro is not a prerequisite for the weekend and it is up to you if you want to join.

“Circling Europe are in many ways standing head and shoulders above the rest of the circling community. If you want advanced training, they are unearthing some of the most dynamic and impactful trainings I’ve seen.”
– Rob McNamara, Teaching Fellow Harvard Graduate School of Education, President Performance Integral, Author of the ‘The Elegant Self’.

Läbiviijad: Els Marie Cardinaels


Osaluspanus: 290€
