I will be leading a new day event in Estonia called Cultivating Transformational Boundaries on Wednesday, 11th September.
For truly transformational human connections in our lives, we need to be a skilled boundary architect. We need to be able to recognise and say a true ‘yes’ and a true ‘no’ in ways that invite truth, creativity and value in the important relationships in our lives.
Although our fundamental inner boundary is the same wherever we are, being able to navigate the different context of work and play takes practice.
In this workshop you will be more able to;
– Discover what your true boundary is
– See and honour the boundaries of those around you
– Communicate your inner lines in a way that builds connection
– Hold your boundaries in a way that allows your inner aliveness to flourish
– Inspire trust in those around you from your ability to preserve clear boundaries in connection
– Have a cross context continuity with boundaries in work and play
Come join us if this speaks to you.
Please note that the workshop is held in English.
Led by Sean Wilkinson
Läbiviijad: Sean Wilkinson